Super Cute Birthday Chalkboard DIY



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This week has been full of DIY’s for two reasons: 1) Valentine’s Day and 2) Oliver’s Birthday Party this Sunday! So sorry for the DIY overload, but with these two holidays, I just can’t help myself.

I’ve been pinning up a storm planning for Oliver’s Teddy Bear themed 1st birthday party. There’s so much inspiration out there, and with a little time and effort you can DIY it all! When I saw this chalkboard on Pinterest I loved it, but then I followed the link to Etsy and saw it was $58 plus shipping. Probably worth it if you have no time or no artistic ability, but I already had a perfect chalkboard and new I could tackle it. It’s not about prefection anyway…its about the personal touch! All I had to do was buy Craft Smart Chalk Markers at Michael’s and I was ready to go.

I broke the task up into three basic chunks – first, I sketched out my version on a piece of paper so I had practice drawing the details and new the scale. I then used a ruler on the chalk board and real chalk to lightly mark where the banner, Oliver’s name, and all of the lines would go. Then, I got out the pens and started drawing, tackling the banner first. If I messed up, I just dabbed wet paper towel on the mistake and did it over. The whole project took only one hour!

More on Oliver’s birthday party to come. Can’t wait for this weekend!

2 thoughts on “Super Cute Birthday Chalkboard DIY

  1. Pingback: Oliver’s Teddy Bear First Birthday Party! | along came ollie

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