My first Guest Blogger: Amy of Joey & the Owl

Given I am soooo busy with the move, I asked my blogger friend Amy of ‘Joey & the Owl‘ to write a guest post this week. She’s made an awesome beach picks board in honor of my move to the beach (and Summer); enjoy and please check out her amazing fashion & mommy blog! Now, I’m on my way to Cape Cod for some goodbyes, but will be back posting tomorrow with some very cool travel/decor posts!

Beach Life

Laura and I met at a hypno-birthing class, became friends on Facebook and after becoming mothers, caught up with each other on our blogs. I decided to create my blog Joey and the Owl after I had my son to have a little creative outlet for myself. The purpose of my blog is to share my trials and tribulations of being a new mother while inspiring other mothers through my love of fashion. My posts reflect my feelings, my experiences and things that I love such as fashion, beauty, styling and food. Here are my must haves and favorite things for the beach this summer. Enjoy and I hope you stop by sometime!

– Amy

my april faves!


for the home: Watercolors, such as the one above by Yao Cheng Design

beauty: Chanel No5 – remember when I posted about mine turning green? Well my hubby got me a new bottle this month and it reminded me of why this is the classic and why every woman needs one!

mommy gear: Summer Elite Stroller – super happy with this handy little umbrella stroller!

baby: Early Rider Spherovelo – another amazing toy for tots and so well designed too!

kitchen: this super fast and delicious vegetarian chickpea curry!

bedside table: Domino (the book of decorating) – this is more of a lifetime fave, but I’ve been using it more for inspiration lately and it just brings me so much joy 🙂

fashion: Old Navy Maxi Dress – picked this cutie up for $30 (during a 30% off sale) and cannot wait to wear it in Florida!

mini fashion: how adorable is this floral baby romper from Old Navy? so many cute clothes this season!

pinner: I was allover Rebecca Gallop‘s pinterest page

retail craving: Calypso St Barth Coverup – with our move to FL it is not a time to be splurging, but I would sooooo love to sport this on the beach this summer!

diy project: my tassle garland project was a synch and a perfect touch for the forest-themed nursery!

first experience: Moving to Florida!!! Well we haven’t made it to Florida yet (T-12 days), but we did move out of our Ridgefield house with was the first step!

quote: “Allow yourself to be a beginner. No one starts off being excellent.” I often set the bar way too high for myself, and i just love this reminder that I am a student in life and I don’t have to be perfect. Especially with this new blog and business venture, I am figuring out things as I go…and that’s OK!!!

Now…bring on May, I’m ready for ya!


home is where the heart is, and these two are my home!


Easter with extended family! These two cuties love their little second cousin 🙂



my boys, finally enjoying the sunshine